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Monday, December 15, 2014

Unmatured Punya Orang

Tengok jer drama mula la jatuh hati kat hero, 10 drama tengok 10 kali la jatuh hati. Kesian kat iman ko, jadi orang ke 11 . haha

Hatiku terjatuh kat EmirQasha dah ni. . 

Thursday, January 12, 2012

tree of heaven

annyeong......entry aq ari ni tajuk tree of heaven...ni kali ke-2 aq tlis sal tree of heaven..td dh siap dh p tetibe je mozila ni crush..mmg dasar tol, rse cm tibai je lappy...penat aq bt mende ni....sabor je la.....taw x pe kebende tree of heaven ni??? aq rse most of u maybe x taw p law dh gler kpop insyalah taw la....tree of heaven ni drama korea y aq khatam sepnjg minggu stdy week ku, ni la penyakit stdnt ipt y slalu kne law nk exam.....susah kot nk elak law korang iman cm aq ni....ms exam gk nk tgk cter,ms x exam xmau plak tgk...ni lah d pgl godaan syaitan,aq adalah mangsa nyer.....p cter ni mmg best la bg aq....da sedih da happy,scukup rse org ckp...

ms mule2 tgk cter ni mmg mcm x bez p ble dh layan eps 1 n 2...rse cam bez laks,so terpakse aq abez 1 cter...law x teringat laks...kang x psl2 aq jwb sal cter ni lam exam....lam ms 2 ari aq abez kn cter ni,mmg xtdow la...nseb bek xdop claz...sampai nangis gak la aq tgk cter ni,cdey bhai....yg aq xleh blah cter ni...from the begin of the story until the end,hero asyik nangis jek.....hehe...mmg hero ayaq mato na.....law x clap hero cter ni lee wan , x la glamor..ni 1st time aq dgr nme dye....hehe...law heroin plak si chubby park shin hye.....heroin nyer glamor gak la bg aq sbb byk cter y aq tgk dye blakon.....

p ending cter ni aq x brape ske sbb hero nyer mati...aq ske hero cter ni sbb dye comey..hehe..law bleh ase nk suruh je pengarah bt happy ending version.....aq mlaz nk story morie bout their synopsis..if u wanna know why the hero was died.....ko tgk la sendiri...rugi x tgk cter ni...tgk jgn x tgk...hehe...slamat menonton....

Hana is a bright young girl who lost her father at a young age. When her mother return to Japan ,she comes with her new Korean husband and his son Yunsuh.Yunsuh's mother died during his 10th birthday and after her death, he becomes autistic.While Hana is fond of her new step-brother , he wants nothing to do with her. When their parents leave on their honeymoon , Hana's mother leaves the children with her deceased husband's sister who will manage their inn during the trip. While they are gone , the aunt and  her daughter Maya abuse Hana and make plans to sell the inn in order to pay for gambling debts and college . Despite all of this , Hana finds comfort in her brother who begins to open up to her and eventually speaks after his 20th birthday and the day his mother passed away . Yunsuh's mother died on the same day as he was turning 10 , 10 years ago. As they start to have feelings for one another, Hana is afraid to love him . She soon leaves with her "senpai" , Fujiwara Ryu , who also likes her . Later on , Maya gets jealous , and decides to make Hana's life even more miserable.

tree of heaven

park shin hye

lee wan

sweet ngat2.....